Thursday, January 31, 2008

BACK to entries

8:36 PM 1/31/2008
   In the past few days, it's been so cold that I've not been doing much outside ... not even shovel the snow.
   What I did do was to spend some extra time at the computer, making a web presence for a new geology club.
   That caused my back to be really painful.  This is a phenomenon that others experience ... one of my favorite blogs' writers wrote that she'd not be making entries for a while because her back was really bothering her & sitting at the computer caused horrible pain.  Click here: Sorry

     This is so discouraging ... everything that I'd hoped to do to earn a few extra dollars is just about impossible because of the back pain that I then experience.

     Now, I did get rid of the pain somewhat by taking first 3 Ibuprofen ... then, some gin drinks ... then 2 aspirins ... & some more gin.  Several hours with a heating pad with some more gin finally brought some relief.

8:46 PM 1/31/2008
    My new chiropractor is so great ... he has a new procedure that involves a special table that applies gentle traction while he's doing his work upon my back.  I've found out that I must go to him once a week ... even if I think I don't need it.  When he starts to work on my back ... I realize that there is so much tension/stiffness/pain that needs his help.  If I don't go every week, my upper back problems escalate so much that it takes him several weeks to get my back to a managable level again.

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